Today the four top choices from the flag consideration panel were released today. $26 million spent and this is what we got for our money and what a spectacular useless waste of money. No originality. No boldness. And nothing that looks like a flag.
Technically there aren't four choices but three. The two silver fern / southern cross options are one in the same. Just take the red and replace it with black. The fact that both of these made it to the top four shows that the flag consideration panel wanted to push the country towards John Key's favoured option. A theory supported by the fact there were no flag experts or artists or designers on the panel. That and the fact that a number of the panel seem to be fans of the National Party.
Neither of these designs are dynamic yet we are being told by sportsmen and women it is their favourite. Getting Ritchie McCaw to state his preference was a pathetic attempt at merging sport and politicking together.

I have seen on Twitter the brilliant gif of one of the silver fern / southern cross options being shown as a combination of the Labour and National party logos. Replace the red with the black and it is a merging of National and NZ First.
I have seen on Twitter the brilliant gif of one of the silver fern / southern cross options being shown as a combination of the Labour and National party logos. Replace the red with the black and it is a merging of National and NZ First.
The alternative silver fern design is a total rip off of the NZ Trade and Enterprise logo. How a blatant rip off can be considered one of the top options in the country is pathetic. I do not want a flag that is a rip off of some brand. It means nothing to me and says nothing about this awesome country.
What disappoints me the most is not one of the final four has a Maori design or connection. We are a country that is equally Maori and Pakeha. Our nation exists because of a partnership between Maori chiefs and the crown. We as a nation owe so much to Maoridom. This flag debate was a chance to recognise that and connect the nation. I would love to see a flag that reflects how significant Maori are in New Zealand. None of the flag options reflect that and that is a shameful reflection on us as a country.
I was ready for a flag change. I wanted one. I believe it is time for us as a nation. However, the options are so pathetic, dull, uninspiring and downright boring that I plan to vote to keep our current flag. It may get mistaken for the Australuan flag on a regular basis but it sure beats the $26 million dross being served up.